Episode 59: Getting out of debt with Dr Caroline Clerisme

Episode 59: Getting out of debt with Dr Caroline Clerisme

When trying to get out of debt, there are a lot of decisions that needs to be made.

It involves more than just paying off a few credit cards. It means changing spending habits; learning how to budget; knowing who and how much you owe; prioritizing debts; creating emergency and retirement funds; and knowing where to find help when you get off track.

In this episode, Dr. Caroline and I will be discussing:

Dr. Clerisme’s experience being in debt and what it took to clear her loans in 4 years.


The first step towards living a debt-free life.

… and many more!

Dr. Caroline Clerisme is a general dentist in Manchester, NH. Dr. Clerisme received her doctorate degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.

She is the CEO of Doctors out of Debt and the founder of the Doctors out of Debt Group on Facebook, a platform to help doctors get out of debt and create generational wealth. Dr. Clerisme graduated from dental school in 2011 and had a total of $250,000 in student loans and was able to pay everything off in 4.5 years.

She has been helping and coaching doctors how to have similar results and create generational wealth.


You can reach here on:

Website: www.doctorsoutofdebt.com

Facebook Group: www.doctorsoutofdebt.com/group

IG: https://www.instagram.com/doctorsoutofdebt


You can get her book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NGRY445/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_KF9CM5DFGBJQW6K1TNYD

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